Top law officer’s guarantee before judge for return of missing poet whose custody disowned by govt

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In a strange incident Attorney General for Pakistan Barrister Mansur Usman today gave a strange guarantee before Justice Mohsin Akhter Kiyani of Islamabad High Court. This was about a poet Ahmad Farhad (missing for a week now and whose alleged custody or illegal detention by govt was denied by the government). The attorney general made a solemn pledge before the judge that the poet will be “traced and reunited” with family by coming Friday. The pledge came after the judge made strong observations about alleged role of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in illegal kidnapping of citizens who are subsequently declared as a case of enforced disappearance.
#MJtv Matiullah Jan talks to wife of missing poet and her lawyer Advocate Imaan Mazari and Advocate Hadi after today’s hearing.


Top law officer’s guarantee before judge for return of missing poet whose custody disowned by govt

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