Judiciary’s legacy of injustice to women haunts judge’s daughter | Saqib Nisar’s methods exposed

Watch now – Video Duration: 00:59:08 (hh:mm:ss)

Daughter of a former Supreme Court judge and ex chief justice Lahore High Court Justice Zahid Hussain complains of injustice at the hands of courts in Pakistan. Responding to an interview of her ex husband, a dismissed from service Deputy Inspector General (DIG) police Junaid Iqbal, aired by #MJtv on 27 Aug 2024, the woman (who did not want to be named or show her face) denied that she used her fathers influence to keep her for e this and in jail for four years without a final decision of the court.

#MJtv talks to the woman who narrates her side of the story earlier told on MJtv by former DIG Junaid Iqbal on 27 Aug 23.

27 Aug 23 video Link: https://youtu.be/B5N7fxzhpYE

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A judge’s legacy of injustice haunts his daughter | ex judge saqib Nisar’s abuse of power exposed

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