Islamabad High Court’s strong message to Lahore High Court with full court contempt proceedings?

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The seven judges of Islamabad High Court, for the first time in the history of all high courts, sat as full court to initiate contempt of court proceedings against brazen social media campaign to malign Justice Tariq Mehmood Jehangiri. The said judge was holding a probe into alleged instances of election rigging by election commission of Pakistan that has lead to formation of current government in the center and Punjab province.

Matiullah Jan #MJtv analysis in detail the possibility of a snowballing effect of Islamabad High Court’s unprecedented action that may lead to similar full court proceedings in Punjab’s 45 judges Lahore High Court to defend against interference similar social media campaigns. Will the Islamabad judges trigger a chain reaction in other courts? MJtv tried to find an answer.

Islamabad High Court’s strong message to Lahore High Court with full court contempt proceedings?

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