#PTI ‘s Shibli Faraz gives clean chit to establishment? Attorney Gen talks to MJtv on Gen Faiz trial

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Soon after the Islamabad High Court hearing on Tosha Khana appeals and Al-Qadir Trust case appeals PTI senator talks about possibility of civil strife due to economic meltdown. he answers numerous questions by Matiullah Jan #MJtv

MJtv also briefly talks to Attorney General for Barrister Mansur Usman Awan about parliaments new law against apex court verdict on special seats and also court martial of Gen Faiz Hameed, an ex ISI chief.

#PTI ‘s Shibli Faraz gives clean chit to establishment? Attorney Gen talks to MJtv on Gen Faiz trial

#mjtv #matiullah #matiullahjan #matiullahjanmjtv #islamabadhighcourt #shiblifaraz #pti #imrankhan #toshakhanacase #alqadirtrustcase #alqadiruniversity #PTIsenator #BarristerMansurUsmanAwan #parliamentofpakistan #supremecourtofpakistan #specialseatscase #courtmartial #faizhameed #isi #militaryestablishment #9may

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