Top Court eats its judgement,in a 1st Chief Justice changes verdict after meeting Ulema in chamber

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In an unprecedented move Pakistan’s Supreme Court has surrendered before religious scholars who called on him in chamber to get a controversial judgement of the apex court changed. A top court bench comprising Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, Justice Aminuddin Khan and Justice Naeem Afghan gave relief in a bail matter involving a condemned minority religious group of Ahmadis in Pakistan. Religious and Political scholars from across Pakistan launched a movement against the apex court and were today invited by the above judges. As the open court proceedings took hours a short break in the hearing resulted in an unannounced meeting of Ulemas in judges chamber whereafter the chief justice suddenly appeared in court along with judges with a written note in hand and announced to take back apex court controversial judgement.

Matiullah Jan #MJtv talks to Mufti Sher Muhammad of Bhera Sharif, parliamentarian Hamid Raza of Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) and senior journalist and court reporter Hasnat Malik.

Top Court eats its judgement,in a 1st Chief Justice changes verdict after meeting Ulema in chamber

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