Watch now – Video Duration: 00:13:54 (hh:mm:ss)
The state will now lay hands on Malik Riaz! O Khawaja Asif, look at your neck, Malik Riaz has evidence, he will repent if he lays hands on him, Hassan Nisar blasted Khawaja Asif’s speech and gave a speechless reply…
ریاست اب ملک ریاض پر ہاتھ ڈالے گی!اُو خواجہ آصف اپنے گریبان بھی دیکھو،ملک ریاض کے پاس ثبوت موجود،ہاتھ ڈالاتو پچھتاؤ گےحسن نثار نے خواجہ آصف کی تقریر کی دھجیاں اُڑاکررکھ دیں ،منہ توڑجواب
In this compelling video, we delve into the heated exchange between Hassan Nisar and Khawaja Asif regarding Malik Riaz. As tensions rise, Nisar delivers a powerful rebuttal to Asif’s remarks, warning of the consequences of targeting Riaz. Join us as we explore the implications of this confrontation and the evidence that could change the narrative. Don’t miss this insightful analysis!
#politicaldebate #politicalanalysis #hassannisar #malikriaz #khwajaasif #politicaltensions #politicalorganization #pakistannews #hassannisarofficial #hassannisarlatest
Hassannisarofficial, Hassannisaranalysis, News analysis, Pakistan Politics, News update, Pakistannewsanalysis, Dailynewsanalysis, trending news analysis
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