Category: Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

آئی ایم ایف کی قسط ابھی ہوا میں ہے

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Imran Khan’s meeting with “Imported government” | Gen Amjad Shoaib RELEASED | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

EXCLUSIVE: When will ELECTIONS take place? | Imran Khan fears another attack | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

جو لیڈربنابیٹھا ہے وہ تو ضمانتیں لے رہا ہےولیداقبال کی والدہ عمران خان پر برس پڑیں

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

“Election may not be possible in 90 DAYS” | Supreme Court’s Decision favors PDM or PTI?

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

مریم نواز کےلیےبُری خبر

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

7 Questions, 5 Judges, 2 Assemblies and 1 DECISION! | What will happen tomorrow? | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

تمہاری وجہ سے جیل ہوئیپی ٹی آئی رہنما آپس میں جھگڑ پڑے

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Imran Khan’s Non-bailable ARREST warrant issued | SC directs political consultation in Suo-motu case

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

جنرل امجدشعیب کی گرفتاری کس کس کے لیے پیغام ہے

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

ایک ارب روپے سے زائد کی سلامی لینے والے بیوروکریٹ کا نام سامنے آگیا

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Important Case | Imran Khan asks Judge to SHIFT Court for his convenience | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

ناموراداکار کاآرمی چیف اور وزیرخارجہ سے متعلق بےہودہ تبصرہ

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

عمران خان کے بھانجے کی عدلیہ کو دھمکی

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

مریم نواز کو بطور چیف آرگنائزر پہلی شکست

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

SC Bench DISSOLVED as four judges recuse | New PANDORA Box opened | Gen Amjad Shoaib ARRESTED

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

PTI defeats PMLN convincingly | Two more audios leaked | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

PTI’s FLOP Go to Jail Movement | Big leaders run away | Shock and Disappointment in PTI

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Imran Khan decides to LEAVE Lahore | PTI’s Keyboard Warriors Missing | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

خیبرپختونخوا میں پولیس کی ڈورسٹیپ سے گرفتاری کی پیشکش

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

پرویزالہی پی ٹی آئی میں آگئےاب جیل جائیں، اعجازچوہدری کی خواہش

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

NAB Team reached Zaman Park | PTI Worker gets 2 years in jail for SEDITION | Two more Audio LEAKS?

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

عمران خان کی انوکھی فرمائش

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

3 Parties vs 2 Judges | Ex-Judge vs Anchor | Laughter at PTI in Courtroom | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

پرویزالہی پھر وزیراعلیٰ ؟؟؟

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

“Your General vs My General” | BBC Exposed PTI’s “Go to Jail Movement” | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

بینچ کے اندر سے ہی بینچ پر اعتراض

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Can Assemblies get Restored? | Objections on Bench from within the Bench | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

کے کے اور ایس ایم کون ہیں؟

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

آفتاب سلطان کا نوازشریف سے کیا تعلق تھا

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Jail Bharo Tehreek: Only 81 People ARRESTED | Next Election DATE: Ball in Court’s court

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

“Let’s go to Jail” | PTI’s Disappointing Show in Lahore | Big Names Could NOT make a BIG Impact

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

PTI will start going to JAIL from tomorrow | BAD NEWS for Khan & Bushra Bibi | ARY caught Red-Handed

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

EXCLUSIVE: Why Chairman NAB “actually” RESIGNED? | Who is KK and SM? | Why “Kabootar” is so scared?

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Imran apologizes over FAKE signature | “Go to Jail” movement: Khan took BAIL | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Imran’s Lawyer confesses FORGED Signature | Khan forced to leave Zaman Park | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

British Media Titled Imran khan as “International Playboy” | Shireen Mazari caught sharing FAKE News

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Dr. Shahid Masood’s LIE brings shame for Pakistan | Maryam Nawaz’s Imaginary World

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

“General Faiz’s supporters still active” | 3 BIG anchors; 3 BIG mistakes | Mansoor Ali Khan

Posted in Mansoor Ali Khan

Another Audio Leak | PTI Plans “Go to Jail” movement with 1600 workers only | Mansoor Ali Khan