Fictitious petitioners against free press land lawyers in big trouble | Journalists harassment case

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A three judges bench of Pakistan’s Supreme Court today grilled senior lawyers over a fictitious petition seeking curbs on media. Petitioners lawyer Advocate Haider Waheed from Lahore said he had never met his six clients, three of them from Chakwal (known for notorious former ISI chief Gen retired Faiz Hameed) who two years ago filed a petition seeking restrictions on media. Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa was hearing other petitions from senior journos seeking end to harassment of journalists in Pakistan. The apex court had ordered Islamabad police to probe into attacks on three journalists in particular namely Absar Alam, Asad Toor and Matiullah Jan when this fictitious petition from 2022 came up alongside these proceedings. The three judges bench also quizzed and reprimanded Islamabad police officials for their apparent failure to make basic progress in three attacks on journos years ago and adjourned the matter for 30 days. #MJtv gives detailed analysis of today’s court proceedings.


Fictitious petitioners against free press land lawyers in big trouble | Journalists harassment case

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