Category: Matiullah Jan MJtv

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Sudden reshuffling in Supreme Court benches trigger speculation,chief justice set 2 strike Thursday?

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Govt judiciary standoff climaxing as April 27 approaches- govt defies court order being “biased”

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

How Supreme Court got 7000 top secret audio tapes of politicians, bureaucrats, judges & journos?

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

New audio leak of close relatives of Supreme Court judges expose judges, politicians & establishment

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Govt notifies law, about powers of chief justice, suspended by court, will other judges act on law?

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Glimpses from last hearing of Supreme Court of Pakistan amid standoff between apex court & the govt

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

پنجاب الیکشن 14 مئی کو مگر پورے ملک میں ہو جائیں تو مزاکرات کے لئیے اگلی تاریخ 27 اپریل بھی ٹھیک

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Judges give more time to politicians to develop consensus on a date for elections across Pakistan

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Supreme Court beats retreat on its order for elections in Punjab on 14 May, summons politicians

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Pak military opposes early elections,generals hold secret briefing for top judges,apex court silent

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Generals explain to top judge why soldiers not available for election duty in spite of court order

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

پاکستان بار کونسل، وکلا تنظیموں کا پارلیمنٹ کے قانون کو معطل کرنے پر چیف جسٹس کیخلاف احتجاج کا اعلان

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Supreme Court Bar leaders join Bar Council & associations from across Pakistan against Chief Justice

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

LIVE: lawyers convention in Islamabad

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Top judge is desperate for early elections in Pakistan before he retires along with the President

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Pol engineering by Pak chief justice Bandiyal aims at elections before next chief justice takes over

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

As Pak parliament rejects Supreme Court order to hold elections, army chief stands with parliament

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

MJtv LIVE BREAKING: chief justice issues orders after chamber hearing, govt in trouble

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

AG says govt can’t go against disapproval of election fund by parliament, CJ reserves chamber order

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv


Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

پنجاب میں الیکشن کے لئیے 21 ارب روپے کی فراہمی متعلق ضمنی گرانٹ قومی اسمبلی میں مسترد- طبلِِ جنگ؟

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Chief Justice & his handpicked 7 judges hear petitions against law 2 curtail powers of chief justice

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Attorney General opposes Supreme Court’s review of law yet to be notified,talks exclusively to #MJtv

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

سپریم کورٹ کا پارلیمنٹ کیخلاف اعلانِ جنگ ؟ قانون بنا نہیں اُس پر 8 رکنی بنچ بن گیا، 21 ارب روپے دو

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Prime Minister of Pakistan administered Azad Kashmir was disqualified by high court for this video 2

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Top judge in Pakistan clarifies his participation in golden jubilee celebrations of constitution

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Pak Election Commission reports to Supreme Court on non-payment of Rs 21 b for elections in Punjab

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Top judges shy away from golden jubilee celebration of constitution at Parliament House, we know why

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

آئینِ پاکستان کی گولڈن جوبلی، ماسوائے جسٹس فائز عیسی کے پارلیمنٹ کی تقریب میں مدعوکوئی جج نہیں آیا

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Old complaint against Justice Faez Isa again taken up in chambers of estranged Chief Justice Bandial

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Chief Justice in a chess board competition with fellow judges as Pakistan heads to instability

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Another Pak judge writes against Chief Justice’s misuse of administrative powers in a political case

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

پارلیمان میں وزیر اعظم شھباز شریف کے انتہائی مخالف لیڈر آف دی سپوزیشن راجہ ریاض احمد #MJtv کیساتھ

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کیخلاف پارلیمنٹ کی قرارداد، مخالفت کرنے والے محسن لغاری کا موقف؟

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Pakistan in political/legal turmoil as judges in the top court start canceling each other verdicts

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

A statue earning respect by trying to stay neutral

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Top judges in Pakistan themselves announce election date for the country’s largest Punjab province

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Supreme Court of Pakistan to decide today on date of elections in Punjab, amid standoff with govt

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

سپریم کورٹ کا فیصلہ محفوظ اور حکومت غیر محفوظ؟قاضی فائز عیسیٰ کا خط حکومت کا امتحان؟

Posted in Matiullah Jan MJtv

Top judges refuse secret briefing by def officials on unavailability of soldiers for election duty